Christine Kanbergs - Owner
State of California Community Care License #0134189
Hours - Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Contact -
Little Crumbles is a Family Child Care located in the middle of the Island City of Alameda, California. The licensed day care is a home away from home for your child to grow and learn life skills through play and guidance during their early years. LC offers a play based approach to learning where discoveries and positive experiences provide a foundation to build upon as the child grows and continues on a life path of learning.
Our Mission is to serve parents by providing a “peace of mind” day home for their child in a nurturing setting for the natural & healthy development of the whole child.
Care Providers are finger printed for FBI and DOJ background checks. They have required TB Tests, and immunizations, CPR Training, Preventative Health, Safety & Emergency Preparedness and Mandated Reporter courses.
Meals breakfast, lunch, and AM/PM snacks are provided. Little Crumbles participates in the US Dept. of Agriculture Child Care Food Program. We serve fresh meals that exceed ACCFP standards using organic & sustainable food as a priority in our homemade meals. Children sit while eating and drinking and assisted so they learn to feed themselves, use manners and enjoy familiar and new food.